I shared this Sunday 1/1/2017 at Life Church at the 10am service.
A good friend gave me the single word “Victory” just before Christmas [thanks Richard Brunton].
This really resonated but also raised a big question of: How?
This sat with me for more than a week and became clear on Sunday morning.
This is what I received from Holy Spirit and share with you now.
First, the how is by His Grace (unmerited favour) through Faith (trusting in Him) in His Strength (again just trust Him).
Victory is all about the Lord and what He is doing and for His glory.
Secondly, things need to be in right order for us to see His victory in our lives.
The Lord showed me that we need to be in the right place of fellowship in right relationships; so that we will fit and function where we are planted.
Right relationship means being His sons/daughters and also rightly connected in His body The Church.
The fit and function will be specific to each believer, for some this will be bible school, others missions, others community outreach, others children’s work and so forth. Seek the Lord as to where you need to fit and function.
It’s a time of realignment before assignment. We need to be in the right place, which may not be where you feel comfortable, but it is the place of His choosing. It might be uncomfortable but know it is the Lord has placed you where He wants. You will find you fit and relate and function when you are in the right place.
It is a year of open doors; but you must rise up but you must rise up and walk through in His steps as He orders.
Do not try and open the doors yourself, in you own strength, let the Lord open the right doors.
The right way is His way. Don’t try and force things to happen otherwise you end up with an Ishmael. Not in your effort or strength. Trust your Good Father. In faith obey Him!
Radical and powerful miracles are part of the victory in 2017. Radical and powerful miracles!
Even now we speak healing to those who need it in Jesus name.
All power and all miracles are all in Him.
Victory is not something we do, but it is what He does in and through us.
Be open to be used by Him!
2017 is a breakout year for many.
Be prepared to pay the price in prayer; and by grace and by faith see victory.
Don’t underestimate the time on your knees in prayer before Him.
Love Him. Trust Him. He say “I want you to love Me and be in Me above anything else”.
If we are not in that place of closeness to Him we can’t do anything; get that right first.
Know that He is just. We decide to follow Jesus, we also need to decide He is totally just in everything.
This means whatever happens around us, no matter how bad it might look; He has got it in control and He is doing the right thing.
That is total trust in Him. Decide to trust Him and know He is just.
He is faithful! He is really totally completely faithful!
He will do it!
2017 a year for victory and breakthrough.