FEAR – Here is the cure

Fear – Understand what is happening

One of the most insidious effects of the coronavirus pandemic that has held our world in a vice like grip for nearly 2 years has been an incredible spirit of fear.

Fear of the virus, fear of global agendas, fear of vaccines, fear of not being vaccinated, fear of Government overreach, fear of others with a different view, fear of authority, etc.

The fruit of fear is division and a complete lack of trust in the Lord. The level of fear, vitriol, and distrust between fellow Christians astounds me! So many spend more time chasing conspiracies (see below) than seeking and worshipping the Lord. We must not live in fear, but live in the love and fear of the Lord !! The fear of the Lord brings His peace.

We are exhorted on how to live in Romans 12 and the essence of this is God’s family love to Him and one another. Coronavirus fear has taken so many away from this core message. It’s time to repent from fear and start loving !!
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