Over the last few weeks various images and videos of the Lockheed SR-71 ‘Blackbird’ strategic reconnaissance aircraft have been in various social media feeds. I have always had an interest in the amazing aircraft. The following is a summary of the revelation I have received from understanding the SR-71.
The SR-71 is capable of Mach 3+ speeds (3x the speed of sound) and a 80,000+ feet operational altitude. It has never been intercepted by an enemy. It overflew the Soviets, Chinese, North Korea, etc. The SR-71 still holds speed and altitude performance records. It carried cameras with incredible resolution so it could detect enemy activity with impunity.

Daryl Crawford-Marshall was preaching on ‘new levels’ last Sunday and I knew why the SR-71 was being highlighted to me. He had mentioned Mach 1 in his sermon and I felt the Lord saying the new levels would be much more and we were to be at a SR-71 prophetic levels.
The SR-71 flew so high that the crew could see stars even in the daytime as they were flying on the edge of space. This is symbolic of us being in the heavenlies and seeing things from the Lord’s perspective. The high resolution cameras on the SR-71 speak of very clear understanding and discernment of God’s word.
The Lord then said that the new levels mean the following changes in mindset in the Church:
- From: ‘God loves me’
- To: ‘God loves the world’
- From: ‘What is God’s plan for my life?’
- To: ‘How does my life fit in God’s great plan and His Kingdom agenda?’
- From: ‘God bless me or God Bless you’
- To: ‘How I be a blessing and release God’s blessing to others?’
- From: ‘How do we grow the Church?’
- To: ‘How do we expand the Kingdom?’
When Joshua was confronted by the Lord (‘The Angel’ is this passage is what is known as a Christophany i.e. Jesus) in Joshua 5:13-15 he asks if you are for me or his enemies. The answer is astounding He said, ‘No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.’ So it is we should not be concerned about God being on our side, but rather are we on God’s agenda. Our focus changes from ourselves and issues to His Kingdom.
The SR-71 was rare in that it used less fuel at high speed and altitude to to its ability to reconfigure its engine to operate as what is known as a ramjet. In other words the SR-71 could do more with less effort.
Going to new levels means relying more on the Holy Spirit and less on our abilities and skills. We will be able to do things we thought impossible with His strength and power. Romans 8:26-27 and Zechariah 4:6
It is a season for doing great exploits, we are bringing the Gospel of the Kingdom and salvation to many; we are carriers of healing and deliverance to those that are bound and oppressed. This only happens when we are in a place of dependence on Him and His power.
Here is an very amusing story about the SR-71 Speed Check which shows how we really are; i.e. powerful in Christ. Colossians 1:27