Many Christians are trying to find the calling and purpose for their lives in God. We will have a look at the idea of the Lord’s scroll for our lives, i.e. His plans for us and how this can be seen in ancient Hebrew symbology. We will look at the scroll or plan for our lives.
Psalm 40:7 Then I said, “Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written of me.”
and is quoted in Hebrews 10:7.
Nel and I were discussing the feast of Purim (feast of Esther) which was celebrated earlier this week. One of the requirements of the feast is to read the megillah, i.e. the scroll or book of Esther. Jewish people just say to read the megillah at this time, it is understood as to which book to read.
I felt to look at the very detailed understanding of the word scroll. Esther fulfilled her calling and purpose to see all of the Jews saved from Haman’s evil plan to kill them. We all have a unique calling and purpose in the Kingdom.
The word megillah מְגִילָּה is the Hebrew word for scroll . We will look at the ancient Hebrew letter for the word scroll (megillah) and see something very insightful. You can refer to the full chart at the end of this post.
Letter | Ancient Symbol | Meaning |
Mem מ | Water | Chaos, Mighty, Blood |
Gimel ג | Foot | Gather, Walk |
Yud י | Arm / Hand (raised) | Work, Throw, Authority, Worship |
Lamed ל | Shepherd staff | Teach, Yoke, to Bind |
Hey ה | Man with arms raised | Look, reveal, breath (spirit) |
Psalm 40:7 shows that our lives are written on a scroll (or book). Using the ancient Hebrew symbols your scroll can be interpreted as having a meaning of:
A mighty walk in authority and worship, taught and bound (connected) with the Spirit of the Lord
While this is not hard doctrine it is a very good way to understand walking out God’s calling and purpose for our lives.
To us the following stand out from this understanding:
- Our walk is mighty in the Lord, He is our strength, we can do nothing without Him.
- We have authority to execute our scroll (calling and purpose) via worship. Psalm 100:4 is a key here as well (thanksgiving and praise).
- We must be and remain connected to Him, we are in Him and He is in us (Colossians 1:27), we are bound by His Love for us; we are His love slaves. Also we abide in the vine (John 15).
- We walk in the Spirit, not by sight but by faith and love (2 Corinthians 5:7).
As we commit ourselves to walk out our calling and purpose, the Lord reveals details of things he wants us to do. But we always keep our prime focus on the Lord abiding in Him, and not the things we do.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 tells us that He is faithful and He will do it. It is not up to us but the outworking of His grace in our lives.
So what is my specific calling and purpose?
This is the big question for most of us! The answer is quite simple! First, we clear blockages by repentance and renewing our minds. We then enter in through thanksgiving, praise, and worship; then the Lord will make it clear to us from His word and what He speaks to our hearts.
John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
Too many of us stress instead of being quiet and waiting on the Lord. We need time with Him and in His word on a daily basis and when we do this everything becomes clear for our specifics.
The Lord wants to reveal our scrolls and we just need to abide, listen, seek, and wait then He will speak clearly.
We pray that this little study will help you come into the fullness of your calling and purpose in the Kingdom of God.
Ancient Hebrew Chart
This chart courtesy of Jeff Benner’s Ancient Hebrew Research Centre. It is an easy way to get some understanding of the ancient Hebrew alphabet (a.k.a aleph bet).

I love the statement we need to just quiet ourselves. This fallen world is full of stress and bullies. Only God can soothe our soul.
7th Mar 2020 . Just rereading this due to a circumstantial change .
From the John 15 : 16 reference I heard “The 16’s” .. The Sixteens” .
John 3:16 is a peculiar part of my salvation testimony.
So I did a study . Of John’s Gospel .
Twenty One (21) Chapters of verse Sixteen.(16).. very unusual story when read like that. The key being the “..another Counsellor”.. bearing fruit , sorting relationships , blessings received , do not let the house become a market , take a lakeside rest at evening ,speak good doctrine from God , sheep from other pens , remember things done were written before hand , role of servant to master , not of this world and a high priestly access and finally
DO YOU LOVE ME question .
Care for the sheep