The question of why we sacrifice is one that confronts Christians as we go forward with the Lord. It is often difficult to see why sacrifice is needed, or even the benefit of the sacrifices we make.
We see the example Jesus set in Hebrews 12:2 which explains why He suffered and died for us. This is the most awesome example of pure sacrifice of a innocent, pure, and holy person.
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
The photo at the top of the article is of the Be’er Sheva war graves memorial in Israel representing the sacrifices made in WWI for what would become Israel.
When imperfect people sacrifice
We see what Jesus did, but what happens and why do we need to sacrifice? Although we are not perfect of ourselves , we do willingly sacrifice. There are many expressions of sacrifice in the Christian walk, some much more consequential than others. Some examples:
- Giving of time and finances (e.g. volunteering and serving our local community)
- Serving in difficult situations (Doctors and Nurses come to mind, especially those on the missions field)
- Putting your life a risk for others, even unto death (I know persecuted Christians in several countries who follow the Lord faithfully)
- Speaking the truth when people hate and revile you (Cancel culture etc.)
- Prayer and Fasting
Why do we do these things?
We sacrifice because of the Love of God, 1 John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us. Also John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. It is clear the the Love of God drives us to love without measure, and love sometimes requires sacrifice.
Harry Bell – Sacrificed and we see the Fruit
Here is the account of a 16 year old Christian – Harold Wickham (Bell) who gave his life for his mates and for Israel. He was a young farmer who attended a Presbyterian Church.
Refer to for more information about Harry.
He could see little orange flashes and could hear whistling overhead. “I wonder what that is?” Harry thought. His answer came all too soon, as a machine gun round smashed into his leg. He never thought such pain existed – the force of the round threw him from the horse. He bounced along the ground and came to a halt in the dirty, broken soil. The sound of thundering hooves warned him to cover his head as another wave of horsemen galloped over him.
He glanced down at his leg, it lay at a grotesque angle, the result of the bullet shattering his femur. Then things started to blur as he succumbed to the pain, which lapsed him into unconsciousness.
As he struggled to regain consciousness, he felt the warmth of morphine, interrupted intermittently by the sharpness of excruciating pain.
As the padre sat next to him, Harry asked how the regiment had fared. “We took the town Harry, and the blokes and horses are enjoying a good drink.”
Harry lapsed in and out of consciousness throughout the night. In the morning he was still alive but only just. The padre again called on him. “Make sure they get the headstone right,” Harry screamed, and with that the young trooper went limp.
Harry (Harold Bell) wanted his real name on his tombstone and so it is.
Exactly 100 years later, to the day 31/Oct/2017, we see the fruit of Harry’s and others sacrifice in the following photograph at the Be’er Sheva street parade held after the 100 year memorial service. This is an amazing demonstration of the fruit of sacrifice as Harry and others sacrifices eventually led to the restoration of Israel in 1948.

For reference here is some information about the Australian Light Horse Charge
We are called to sacrifice. It is part of our normal Christian life. Sacrifice is not always a popular sermon topic, but is very important to the Lord.
During this month of May we are praying and fasting for the federal elections, and the GO Movement (please sign up to support the proclamation of Jesus in this region and the nations.
Dear Lord, Let my life be a living sacrifice to You. Take me, make me, mold me and use me for You Kingdome purposes. Let me be salt and light to a sick and dying world. Amen.
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
Let this Keith Green song help you pray