Faith mocks its enemies with a song


There is much spiritual warfare in this season. This is evident by assassination attempts, Israel fighting for its survival, fraudulent elections, abhorrent laws being put forward by godless politicians (late term abortion, babies surviving abortions left to die, euthanasia, gender issues, legalising prostitution etc.).  We need to be able to fight, not flesh and blood, but in the heavenlies.

Habakkuk 3 – A Hymn of Faith

Let us look at Habakkuk 3 – a passage entitled ‘A Hymn of Faith’ and in particular v19.  Verses 17 and 18 are well known and a great statement of faith.

17 Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labour of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls –
18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.

19 The Lord God is my strength;
He will make my feet like deer’s feet,
And He will make me walk on my high hills.

To the Chief Musician (or Chief Singer) . With my stringed instruments. ESV

A while ago Nel and I were discussing v19 and Nel quoted Habakkuk 3:19 from the Septuagint:

The Lord God is my strength, and He will perfectly strengthen my feet; He mounts me upon high places, that I may conquer by His song.

We also looked and v19 from the OJB:

Hashem Adonai is my strength, and He will make my feet like the feet of a deer, and He will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments. 

Let’s look at the last part which is an instruction (don’t ignore the instructions like ‘selah’ etc.) – ‘To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.’ which comes from two Hebrew words:

נָצַח natsach to excel, be bright, be pre-eminent, be perpetual, be overseer, be enduring
a. (Niphal) enduring (participle)
b. (Piel) to act as overseer or superintendent or director or chief


נְגִינָה nĕgiynah music, song, taunt song
a. music (of stringed instrument)
b. song
taunting or mocking song

From drilling down we see idea of going to high places (where our authority and victory are). This is done via a song and music from the chief singer which in itself carries the idea of authority.  We have the ability to be the chief singer in our lives and metron (the realm of authority we are given by the Lord). This is worship (thanks and praise) which we know is key of Da’vid.  All the time we spend in worship brings forth His agenda and entering into His authority.

We also have the powerful idea of mocking our enemy.  As we worship the Lord the enemy is mocked!  We are seated in heavenly places with Christ! We enter into our rest, power, authority, all the promises we have in Christ when we are in Him; we connect via worship.  We are independent of our circumstances!

This is the word for this season.  We mock the enemy with a song of faith, thanks, praise and worship.  By doing so we mock the enemy as we overcome in Christ!

Eight Keys to Standing Strong in God’s Steadfast Authority

Psalm 144:1 Praise be to the Lord, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle

  1. Abide in Christ – As you abide (rest), you are able to pray the things that are on God’s heart (agenda).  This is our starting point.
  2. Mix praise and thanks and prayer together – Worship is the atmosphere where truth dwells. There is power released in worship warfare. God is greater than all enemy attacks.  This is the key of Da’vid.
  3. Be steadfast in prayer and ready for battle – Know that you are in enemy territory, and you are here to fight for God’s Kingdom in prayer. Watch for those fiery darts, hold up your shield of faith, and put on the armour of God (Ephesians 6).  Hang in there!  The Lord is with you.
  4. Stand upon the promises of God – Do not listen to the enemy. Speak God’s promises over your family, neighbourhood, city, and nation.
  5. Know and Pray God’s Word – The Bible is filled with Scripture you can pray. Declarative prayer is a key way to exercise your authority in prayer. Try praying Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9:3-19.  Declare the promises from the Pauline epistles.
  6. Focus on God during times of warfare – The enemy will try to discourage you as to your authority. Focus on God instead of the things you see happening in the world. Remember, we have all authority in Christ.
  7. Practise fasting on a regular basis – Fasting gives us spiritual power and strength to steadfastly stand against the enemy.
  8. Let God’s peace rule in your heart – Come in the opposite spirit of the world system. An attitude of peace and joy in the midst of darkness is powerful (Colossians 3:15).  The shalom of the Lord comes as we spend time with Him.

This is how we battle, this is how we are victorious, this is how we prevail in prayer!  Singing our high praises and worship to the Lord.

We win by changing our focus from the issues to focussing on the Lord Jesus and our standing in Him.  We also must do this both individually and corporately as the Ekklesia.

Join Together for Prayer

If you do not have a good regular corporate prayer connection please consider joining us on the regular Canberra Declaration Zoom prayer meetings. Normally Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday nights 8.00pm AEST (Sydney Time) and other special prayer times.

It is really important that we pray together – the Kingdom is not about lone rangers; but that we should be one together.  This is where we gain power in prayer especially when dealing with major community and national issues. We support and encourage one another when we are family.

[Updated September 2024, Hebrew Elul 5784]

One Reply to “Faith mocks its enemies with a song”

  1. Thanks for this great article and reminder Kym. I like Habukkuk3 3:19 from amplified. Tells me what those high places may be. It’s a great weapon and sword in tight places. Fantastic.

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