A word for transition from 2022 to 2023 and beyond

This morning while in prayer I was reminded again of 2 Chronicles 20 and felt to look at again verses 22 and 23 which has been thematic in prayer this year on Canberra Declaration and with other prayer networks.

We are coming to a time of transition into a greater authority and visible victory. We will see people and situations set free by the hand of the Lord. We will see the Lord in His Glory.

Let’s look at the scripture directly.

2 Chronicles 20:22 As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.

We (prayer networks/Ekklesia et. al. in the region and nations) have been praying, interceding, repenting, and above all worshipping in 2022.  The Lord is using that high praise as a weapon on our behalf.

The battles over life issues seem to have been difficult. Abortion laws, euthanasia, the rainbow and gender bending ideologies, and the agenda to destroy families and especially vulnerable children via confusion and lies has been plainly evident. At times things have looked grim.


We have not been idle, the Gospel of John project (thanks Jane B and Marty W and all who have helped) has got the word out (1.25 million and growing) and this continues. The ACL also with their distribution of the Gospels have been wonderful.  The Northern Rivers outreach with the 72 hours of continual prayer and worship was a model of prayer covered evangelism.

I want to thank all of the Canberra Declaration zoom prayer team – you are mighty worshipping warriors. Let’s also thank the Australian Worship Network (Josh and team), The Worship Connection (Charlotte and team) and all who have led worship. Your leadership before the throne of grace has been awesome.

For all who have been politically active, expect fruit from your labors, we are in for the long run to  see Godly righteous government.

The good news is that many humbly have cried out to the Lord, spent time in worship and prayer; and the Lord has heard our cry.

2 Chronicles 20:23 The Ammonites and Moabites rose up against the men from Mount Seir to destroy and annihilate them. After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another.

The Lord will cause His enemies to destroy each other!  The battle is the Lord’s. 2 Chronicles 20:17

I see a year [2023] of breakthrough, turn around, especially in the proclaiming of the Gospel of His Kingdom, planting of local Ekklesia, the Ekklesia rising in authority, a voice of hope for the lost, a voice for the downtrodden and helpless, a voice for life.  We need to expect to see the agenda of death be overturned.  This is an ongoing process.

Sadly, many will keep trying to bring the agenda of the enemy. Why? John 3:19-20 – people choose darkness. But! We prevail when have the Lord’s agenda and strategies.

Our job is still to pray and proclaim the Gospel, to worship the Lord, and to take authority over principalities and powers in the awesome name of Jesus as we worship and pray.

We do this as the family of God, His body, His Ekklesia that Jesus is building.  Our strength is in Him and being His family.  I cannot over emphasize that we need to build relationally, connect as family (not just meetings), and really trust and love each other.

Being grounded in His family that we are born into by the Holy Spirit is the foundation of our authority.  It is who we are, not what we do that gives us authority to pray.

So for 2023 be encouraged, don’t waiver in your faith, but continue to look to the Lord for he is our salvation and victory.


Ekklesia: The word translated “church” in the English Bible (“gathering of those summoned”). Ekklesia in ancient Greece was the assembly of citizens in a city-state with authority. Jesus said I will build My Ekklesia. Matthew 16:18

Canberra Declaration  – Regular National Prayer on Zoom
8.00pm Sydney Time (AEDT) Regular: Sun, Mon, Wed
ZOOM 776 881 184 LINK: https://zoom.us/j/776881184

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