I attended the Dads for Kids (https://dads4kids.org.au/) Men’s Leadership Summit last weekend (9-11 August 2024) and had the privilege of giving the Father’s Blessing to all who were there. It was a wonderful time, many lives impacted as a bunch of blokes had a great time while talking through major issues facing us all. It was a life changing weekend that I recommend to all men. Thanks Warwick and Nathaniel Marsh, and the whole team for an amazing weekend. Continue reading “The Father’s Blessing – A blessing for all of your children”
The Purpose of the Mystery revealed in Ephesians 3
[This article will be edited as it is a work in progress]
Yesterday I had a very interesting discussion with Papa Gideon Chiu regarding Ephesians 3, especially Ephesians 3:9-11. These are my thoughts on this passage and contextual verses.
Ephesians 3:8 To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, [Paul establishes his credentials, recognising his past, the saving grace of God, and his call to proclaim the good news] Continue reading “The Purpose of the Mystery revealed in Ephesians 3”
Going forward in to battle and victory!
I sense it is a time of both transition and also overcoming obstacles and enemies; and this is a word for this season; three things we need to go forward…
1. Agenda – are we in the Lord’s plans or our own?
Joshua is confronted by the Lord and comes to see that he needs be on the Lord’s side, i.e. it is not whether God is on our side but that we are on God’s side of things.
It is His agenda not ours that matters.
Joshua then worshiped on holy ground which is where we come to hear the Lord’s agenda on issues.
The Lord is calling us into deeper relationship, worship, and holiness.; from this place we have divine alignment for divine assignment.
We cannot hold on to our own agenda and goals, we must hear the Lord in all things and go with His plan, calling, and His purposes. Continue reading “Going forward in to battle and victory!”
Why sacrifice?
The question of why we sacrifice is one that confronts Christians as we go forward with the Lord. It is often difficult to see why sacrifice is needed, or even the benefit of the sacrifices we make.
We see the example Jesus set in Hebrews 12:2 which explains why He suffered and died for us. This is the most awesome example of pure sacrifice of a innocent, pure, and holy person.
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Continue reading “Why sacrifice?”
Hosanna – Palm Sunday – Don’t Fear the Valley
On what we now know as Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a young colt from Bethany to the temple. This account is given in Matthew 21:1-11 and Luke 19:28-44 and the scripture is at the end of this item.
His Journey on that day was an incredible prophetic statement about everything that was about to transpire. Let’s look at the journey Jesus took on that day. Continue reading “Hosanna – Palm Sunday – Don’t Fear the Valley”
Battle Scars
Actual Story of B17 battle scars
During WWII many B17 bombers returned from missions with flak and machine gun damage.
The USAAF decided to analyse the damage patterns and increase armour/protection for the damaged areas.
Before the planes were modified, a Hungarian-Jewish statistician named Abraham Wald reviewed the data. Wald had fled Nazi-occupied Austria and worked in New York with other academics to help the war effort. Continue reading “Battle Scars”
Daughter, your faith has made you well…
The account of the woman with the issue of blood is in all three synoptic Gospels, these short passages carry a powerful message. See: Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, and Luke 8:43-48. This short account is one of the greatest life changing miracles Yeshua performed on Earth.
FEAR – Here is the cure
Fear – Understand what is happening
One of the most insidious effects of the coronavirus pandemic that has held our world in a vice like grip for nearly 2 years has been an incredible spirit of fear.
Fear of the virus, fear of global agendas, fear of vaccines, fear of not being vaccinated, fear of Government overreach, fear of others with a different view, fear of authority, etc.
The fruit of fear is division and a complete lack of trust in the Lord. The level of fear, vitriol, and distrust between fellow Christians astounds me! So many spend more time chasing conspiracies (see below) than seeking and worshipping the Lord. We must not live in fear, but live in the love and fear of the Lord !! The fear of the Lord brings His peace.
We are exhorted on how to live in Romans 12 and the essence of this is God’s family love to Him and one another. Coronavirus fear has taken so many away from this core message. It’s time to repent from fear and start loving !!
Continue reading “FEAR – Here is the cure”
Walking with and carrying the Presence of God
To me the most profound thing that Moses ever said is recorded in Exodus 33:15 which Moses says if you don’t go with us I’m not going. Moses would not take Israel on its journey without God’s presence. This is a profound revelation. The whole chapter is about the tangible presence of God and staying in step with God presence.
It is God’s presence that made the Israelites distinct from those nations around them. Without God, they were lonely, lost wanderers. With Him, they were following their Mighty Leader in a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. Continue reading “Walking with and carrying the Presence of God”
Thoughts on relationships in the local Church – Fathers and Mothers
This post maybe confronting for some people. Please know that at times we are all challenged and just take your feelings to God.
The deep longing and desire for us to have a significant and meaningful relationship with God and each other is a major driver for our lives. This is a God given call in our lives. When we have genuine connections with God and each other there is real joy.
We then (sometimes) play at church; we sit in a pew looking at the back of someone’s head, sing a few songs, shake hands and say God bless you. But! How often do we walk with people through their troubles, how often do we get to heart issues and really carry each other? Continue reading “Thoughts on relationships in the local Church – Fathers and Mothers”
Zoom Prayer — Where to from here?
It been so wonderful for us (Kym & Nel) to be praying together night after night in the Canberra Declaration Zoom prayer meetings for our nation of Australia during this Covid-19 pandemic.
There is always a good number of people praying each night on Zoom, and some are there every night. Warwick even had to purchase a larger package on Zoom to accommodate even more intercessors the time when our Prime Minister Scott Morrison came on the call to pray during the prayer intensive 29th March 2020. Continue reading “Zoom Prayer — Where to from here?”
Times and seasons – Moed or Kairos vs Chronos time – Harvest Time !
As we conclude 75 days of online Zoom prayer since 19th March 2020 and finish the Pentecost celebration it is worth reviewing its significance in terms of God’s divine timing.
The word Moed (Hebrew: מועד, “Festivals” also “appointed time”) provides specific instructions for the rituals, observances and laws related to holidays and festivals. It also carries the idea of God’s dynamic powerful appointed time. Kairos is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment. Continue reading “Times and seasons – Moed or Kairos vs Chronos time – Harvest Time !”
Jesus Christ the Passover Lamb
In the last few days the word Passover (פֶּסַח Pesach in Hebrew) has come in prayer and worship as a prophetic statement from the Lord. It is time to declare Passover over the current world situation. This plague will pass over when we have the Blood of the Lamb over our lives.
Let’s consider what the true Passover is. First, it is the story of the final plague of Egypt (Angel of Death) passing over the Israelites who were captive in Egypt. (Exodus 12:12-13) All who had the blood of a sacrificial lamb painted on the door posts were saved from the death plague. It is in the Passover Lamb we are delivered. Continue reading “Jesus Christ the Passover Lamb”
Wuhan Coronavirus, Wars and Rumours of Wars, Men’s Hearts Failing
In the last little while many Christians have been commenting on the Wuhan Coronavirus, and even some conspiracy theories regarding all sorts of situations which I won’t repeat. Bluntly this means some believers’ focus is way off.
Matthew 24 tells of wars, rumours of wars, pestilences, earthquakes, lawlessness, and deception.
It is obvious that these things are happening, and time is short. The key to navigating all of these things is in Jesus’ words in verse Matthew 24:6 ‘See that you are not troubled’. Continue reading “Wuhan Coronavirus, Wars and Rumours of Wars, Men’s Hearts Failing”