Red dust ancient paths, Australia in the balance – a vision

This has been an interesting week as there has been a significant flow in prophecy and visions.  I saw the following at a Prophetic Company meeting on Tuesday night and it has been with me since then.  It is part of a bigger message that I sense the Holy Spirit speaking to the Church. It is fairly self explanatory, but comment if you wish.

I saw myself walking down a red dust track, an ancient path, in the middle of Australia.  Then just above the horizon I saw a giant set of scales. The scales were being held by the what I knew in the Spirit to be the Judge of all nations.

The Judge placed the whole continent of Australia on the right hand side of the scales looking from my perspective, on the left hand side from the Judge’s perspective.

The side of the scales that Australia was on rose, i.e. she was found light, without Godly substance, and found wanting; lacking righteousness, compassion, and holiness.

Then many intercessors, a seeming army of prayer warriors, cried out in identificational repentance for God’s mercy on Australia.   Numbers of preachers and prophets arose, who were unafraid of men and feared the Lord; they spoke the complete word of the Lord with great boldness, the gospel was preached in its fullness without compromise.

I then saw a Holy light and Holy fire come down onto Australia as she laid on the scales; the Holy fire burned off wood, hay and stubble which indicated sin, human Godless endeavour, and other evil things.  Great conviction, repentance, change, healing, and salvation manifested across the whole continent.

Then the scales started to level off as Australia was restored to the Lord.  The judge then started to smile.

Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.


One Reply to “Red dust ancient paths, Australia in the balance – a vision”

  1. Certainly a concise and anointed word. A gospel without compromise is vital.

    Currently the message of the cross has been so watered down, that it has lost its power. The path to Christ is narrow!

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