The Lord’s Army

This morning I had a very vivid vision:

I saw a long line of people standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder, dressed in white but also wearing armour, each holding a large sword.
I then saw the faces and I recognised many of these people being members of our home group, local congregations, and others from the prayer houses etc.
Each looked strong and carried a look of love and joy, faces shining with God’s glory.

Then in front of the line was a dark seething mass of darkness full of demonic activity including dark snakes hissing. This was the most horrible tangled mess of depravity.

Then as one, the line of saints stepped forward, the darkness started screaming. Then another united step forward as one. Each step forward caused the dark mass to recede. On each step forward various scriptures were being declared as if the word was being released over the darkness.

As the line stepped forward there were people trapped in the darkness being set free. They rose up, were cleansed, and came in behind the line and then joined in. Many many people were being set free.

I had a great sense that this vision was an insight into the wave that is happening in Australia (Awakening, Graham Tour, etc.). That we need to stand side by side in oneness prophesying and declaring the word of the Lord. It is a time to stand together as one in Christ.


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