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- Welcome to Ruach haKodesh Ministries. 2017-01-02 - Welcome to Ruach haKodesh Ministries. We pray that your visit here will be helpful and a blessing from the Lord Jesus. We are available for ministry in Australia, please use the contact page if you want to reach us including… …
The yoke will be destroyed because of the fatness 2024-10-20 - Often in Charismatic and Pentecostals churches we often hear the saying that "the anointing breaks the yoke", and while this is completely correct, it is based on a mis-translation of the Bible from Isaiah 10:27 . What the original Hebrew… …
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Faith mocks its enemies with a song 2024-09-22 - Introduction There is much spiritual warfare in this season. This is evident by assassination attempts, Israel fighting for its survival, fraudulent elections, abhorrent laws being put forward by godless politicians (late term abortion, babies surviving abortions left to die, euthanasia,… …
The Father’s Blessing – A blessing for all of your children 2024-08-14 - I attended the Dads for Kids ( Men’s Leadership Summit last weekend (9-11 August 2024) and had the privilege of giving the Father’s Blessing to all who were there. It was a wonderful time, many lives impacted as a bunch… …
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- God is sovereign over the Nations 2024-05-08 - These are helpful scriptures when praying for the nations. It is time for the Ekklesia to arise and shine. Genesis 12:3 – “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you… …
Thoughts and prayers on Anzac Day 25th April 2024-04-24 - It is well known that most who served in the Anzac forces were believers in our Lord Jesus. Many carried bibles. I share three stories here. First, Harry Bell who lied about his age to join the Australian Light Horse… …
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Palestinians are causing their own suffering, not Israel. A discussion about the Gaza conflict 2024-02-16 - Introduction Understanding the Gaza Conflict means acknowledging an unpopular truth: Palestinians are responsible for everything that is happening to them. Up front I am a Zionist! To some this maybe a controversial statement for a Christian leader to make. Let's… …
A word for transition from 2022 to 2023 and beyond 2022-12-14 - This morning while in prayer I was reminded again of 2 Chronicles 20 and felt to look at again verses 22 and 23 which has been thematic in prayer this year on Canberra Declaration and with other prayer networks. We… …
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The Purpose of the Mystery revealed in Ephesians 3 2022-12-04 - [This article will be edited as it is a work in progress] Yesterday I had a very interesting discussion with Papa Gideon Chiu regarding Ephesians 3, especially Ephesians 3:9-11. These are my thoughts on this passage and contextual verses. Ephesians… …
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Going forward in to battle and victory! 2022-05-04 - I sense it is a time of both transition and also overcoming obstacles and enemies; and this is a word for this season; three things we need to go forward… 1. Agenda – are we in the Lord’s plans or… …
Nazi roots of the phrase ‘pure blood’ – a correction for some 2022-05-03 - Introduction Did you know the term 'pure blood' is completely demonic? It comes directly from the J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter witchcraft books and movies. The phrase was picked up by some extreme anti-vaxxers and has gone viral. Sadly Christians are… …
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Why sacrifice? 2022-04-28 - Introduction The question of why we sacrifice is one that confronts Christians as we go forward with the Lord. It is often difficult to see why sacrifice is needed, or even the benefit of the sacrifices we make. We see… …
Hosanna – Palm Sunday – Don’t Fear the Valley 2022-04-10 - On what we now know as Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a young colt from Bethany to the temple. This account is given in Matthew 21:1-11 and Luke 19:28-44 and the scripture is at the end of this item.… …
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Battle Scars 2022-04-02 - Actual Story of B17 battle scars During WWII many B17 bombers returned from missions with flak and machine gun damage. The USAAF decided to analyse the damage patterns and increase armour/protection for the damaged areas. Before the planes were modified,… …
Daughter, your faith has made you well… 2022-03-27 - The account of the woman with the issue of blood is in all three synoptic Gospels, these short passages carry a powerful message. See: Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, and Luke 8:43-48. This short account is one of the greatest life… …
FEAR – Here is the cure 2021-10-20 - Fear - Understand what is happening One of the most insidious effects of the coronavirus pandemic that has held our world in a vice like grip for nearly 2 years has been an incredible spirit of fear. Fear of the… …
- Elul and the 40 Days of Teshuvah, The King is in The Field 2021-08-12 - We are in the period known as the forty days of Awe, Elul through to Yom Kippur. Elul is the month, Teshuvah is repentance, also the King is accessible, Also this is a time a charity. The four letters of… …
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Walking with and carrying the Presence of God 2021-03-16 - To me the most profound thing that Moses ever said is recorded in Exodus 33:15 which Moses says if you don't go with us I'm not going. Moses would not take Israel on its journey without God's presence. This is… …
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Thoughts on relationships in the local Church – Fathers and Mothers 2020-07-24 - This post maybe confronting for some people. Please know that at times we are all challenged and just take your feelings to God. The deep longing and desire for us to have a significant and meaningful relationship with God and… …
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Zoom Prayer — Where to from here? 2020-06-02 - It been so wonderful for us (Kym & Nel) to be praying together night after night in the Canberra Declaration Zoom prayer meetings for our nation of Australia during this Covid-19 pandemic. There is always a good number of people… …
Times and seasons – Moed or Kairos vs Chronos time – Harvest Time ! 2020-05-31 - As we conclude 75 days of online Zoom prayer since 19th March 2020 and finish the Pentecost celebration it is worth reviewing its significance in terms of God’s divine timing. The word Moed (Hebrew: מועד, "Festivals" also "appointed time") provides… …
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Preparing the Bride of Christ 2020-05-31 - Intention We must prepare the bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle as we seek God in troubling times. Scripture “That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but… …
Aligning with God’s Agenda 2020-05-06 - Intention God will bring deliverance as His Church (Ekklesia) and the government align with His agenda. Scripture “Thus the Lord saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand… …
Feasts of the old covenant fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) 2020-04-08 - Sunset today is the start of Pesach (Passover) and Matzah (Unleavened Bread) which goes until nightfall next Thursday. So this is a great opportunity to have a look at the feasts of God in the old testament. There are seven… …
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Jesus Christ the Passover Lamb 2020-03-24 - In the last few days the word Passover (פֶּסַח Pesach in Hebrew) has come in prayer and worship as a prophetic statement from the Lord. It is time to declare Passover over the current world situation. This plague will pass… …
Wuhan Coronavirus, Wars and Rumours of Wars, Men’s Hearts Failing 2020-01-31 - In the last little while many Christians have been commenting on the Wuhan Coronavirus, and even some conspiracy theories regarding all sorts of situations which I won't repeat. Bluntly this means some believers' focus is way off. Matthew 24 tells… …
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The Big Three Commandments – reflecting on the past year and new year 2019-12-18 - Reflecting on this year just finishing and the next year I have been considering what I call "The Big Three Commandments" which are the key to all we do as believers. It is all about our daily walk with the… …
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Discovering our Authority in praying for Rain 2019-10-05 - Intention The challenge of the drought, strength of the Church and the humility to ask for rain relying on God's grace. Refer here to Canberra Declaration Key Scriptures 2 Chronicles 7:12-16 Ezekiel 22:30 Acts 14:17 Reflection We, in Australia are… …
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The Blood of Jesus 2019-07-04 - Nel showed me something about the name Adam today, it contains the word blood in Hebrew! So, I started digging a bit deeper. Here are the Hebrew words to consider: אֲדָמָה Adamah - out of the earth God created Genesis 2:19… …
The Miracle of the Australian 2019 Election 2019-05-22 - Here are some insights on the huge national prayer effort and the 2019 election outcome. We must recognise and give thanks to the Lord that this prayer effort and His grace has brought about a miracle result. There were many… …
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Raising a generation of Deborahs 2019-04-18 - This post is based on a personal word for someone recently, this is the generic version applicable to many of the next generation women of God. There are leaders raising up an Army of Deborahs, Jaels, and Esthers; especially Deborahs.… …
The name of the Lord – with a more complete understanding 2019-04-18 - The Name of the Lord: יהוה [updated] The name of the Lord is known theologically as the Tetragrammaton and consists of 4 Hebrew letters יהוה yod hey vav hey (right to left) and is usually transliterated into English as Jehovah, Yahweh, or… …
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Notre Dame Fire – Another understanding 2019-04-16 - So this morning we wake and find the famous Notre Dame cathedral burning and much speculation about why it happened and who might be responsible especially in terms of the wave of Islamic attacks on Church buildings in France and… …
We need Fathers in the Church, not just instructors or mentors 2019-04-05 - 1 Corinthians 4:15 For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Paul says something that is more true today than… …
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Finding your purpose, your calling, your scroll 2019-03-23 - Many Christians are trying to find the calling and purpose for their lives in God. We will have a look at the idea of the Lord's scroll for our lives, i.e. His plans for us and how this can be… …
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Prophetic word on elections Israel and Australia (April/May 2019) 2019-03-21 - This is the word I received for Australia and the Church here in this land in this turbulent season. (The photo above is from Mount of Olives looking across Kidron Valley) How Australia prays and intercedes for the Israeli elections… …
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2019 – A year of conflict, yet great overcoming 2019-01-01 - The sense I have for the next year is that many things will appear to get worse, especially in national and governmental realms. Christians in the west will end up in gaol for the faith, an idea unheard of until… …
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Releasing the Aaronic Blessing – Part 2 2018-12-19 - At last we get to part 2 (it has been a while) of releasing the Lord's blessing and we will unpack the next verse. 'The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you' (Numbers 6:25). … …
The Lord is a strong lighthouse in a storm 2018-11-25 - Shalom peace from the Prince of Peace, Jesus. This vision came yesterday and spoke powerfully to quite a few people. First, I saw the word stability and also saw a picture of a strong lighthouse in a storm. The lighthouse… …
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Time for New levels 2018-11-24 - Over the last few weeks various images and videos of the Lockheed SR-71 'Blackbird' strategic reconnaissance aircraft have been in various social media feeds. I have always had an interest in the amazing aircraft. The following is a summary of… …
- My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts 2018-10-07 - Isaiah 55:1-13 is an incredible passage of scripture. God reveals a powerful truth in Isaiah 55:8-9. First, that his thoughts and ways are very different to ours. Secondly that his thoughts and ways are higher than ours. How does this… …
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- The Lord’s Army 2018-09-28 - This morning I had a very vivid vision: I saw a long line of people standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder, dressed in white but also wearing armour, each holding a large sword. I then saw the faces and… …
Shanah Tova (Happy New Year) 5779 2018-09-09 - Rosh Hashanah and blowing the Shofar Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה), literally meaning the head (beginning) [of] the year is the Jewish New Year (Rosh = head; Ha = the; Shanah = year) 2018 dates Sunset, Sun 9 September –… …
- Call to Me, and I will answer you 2018-08-05 - Nel was sharing the following passage of scripture with me and highlighted the Hebrew translation to me. Jeremiah 33.2 Thus says the LORD who made it, the LORD who formed it to establish it (the LORD is His name): 3… …
- Christians and Politics – a discussion about God’s Kingdom 2018-07-21 - I was recently asked about Christians, conservatism and politics. So I wrote a few thoughts about where I see Christians fit with the current world political systems. This article takes a different look at politics, neither left nor right, authoritarian… …
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The Sword of the Lord – Mighty in Battle 2018-07-09 - There is a power being released in the voices of the children of the Lord! Gideon’s 300 shouted "the sword (word) of the Lord" and the Lord won the battle for God’s people by turning the enemy on itself. Today… …
- Where is your Elisha? Find your spiritual children 2018-06-12 - Find your spiritual children In the well known chapter 1 Kings 19 we find the account of what happened after fire fell on Mt Carmel in chapter 18. After calling down fire and seeing God's power demonstrated Elijah ( אֵלִיָּה… …
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- A time for Bigger Vision 2018-06-09 - Two words: "Bigger Vision" I received two words "Bigger Vision" then the Lord gave me two passages of scripture... (both are well known) First Isaiah 54:2-3 (from the Message) Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large.… …
- House of Bread, Royal calling 2018-04-18 - On Sunday afternoon (2018-04-15) papa Dexter Low was leading praying for Todd and Rachel Weatherly (Founding Leaders) at Field of Dreams Church . I handed Dexter a bottle of anointing oil which he used on Todd and Rachel. The oil… …
One Unit – A force for the Kingdom 2018-04-09 - A couple of weeks ago Nel sent me a mechanical translation of Deuteronomy 6:4 via Jeff A Benner (Ancient Hebrew Research Centre). In part this was related to my study of the Trinity in the Old Testament for the purpose… …
- He is calling for deeper intimacy 2018-03-09 - There are two complimentary Prophetic themes coming through at this time. First, there is a Blessing of the Lord to release, bless, and provide for His Children. There have been many words recently on this theme and we feel they… …
2018 – A year of return and restoration 2018-01-01 - This post is what is on my heart from the Lord for 2018. First, 2018 be a year for return and restoration People that have be away or distant will be drawn back to the Lord and will return to… …
- Unity and coming together 2017-10-27 - G’Day from Jerusalem I have a sense that the Lord has something for Revival SA/AHOPFAN, Lutheran Renewal/Overflow, and all city wide community focused groups/congregations. 1. Building the Kingdom via reconciliation and relationship. The body of Christ needs to come together… …
- Psalm 33 – The Lord is Awesome 2017-09-21 - I was in a worship session on Monday and the Lord said to me 'Psalm 33'. I have been meditating on it for a few days. The outline of this Psalm of praise is sharp and clear; the call to… …
- Where is the prophet of the LORD? 2017-09-03 - The Lord has been showing me the 1 Kings 22 over the last couple of weeks. It is a powerful narrative that shows the desperate need for the true word of the Lord regardless of consequences. Today Australia needs the… …
A priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek 2017-08-30 - Jesus is our high priest and in Hebrews we know He is forever according to the order of Melchizedek. In fact this is referenced 9 times in the book of Hebrews. Hebrews 5:6 As He also says in another place:… …
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Psalm 133 Brethren and Unity – deep understanding 2017-07-05 - Nel uncovered some more wonderful truth in understanding the Word by going to the underlying meaning of Hebrew words. Hebrew letters are not just ordinary letters. Each letter is a symbol, full of many inner meanings, from literal straightforward meaning,… …
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- Releasing the Aaronic Blessing – Part 1 2017-06-28 - Nel did a bit of deep dive on the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew last Saturday. I base this post in part on her work then some things the Lord showed me. I pray this will bless you all. Numbers 6:23… …
- Red dust ancient paths, Australia in the balance – a vision 2017-06-01 - This has been an interesting week as there has been a significant flow in prophecy and visions. I saw the following at a Prophetic Company meeting on Tuesday night and it has been with me since then. It is part… …
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- Restoration of the Soul 2017-05-25 - In Psalm 23:3a we read 'He restores my soul', let's unpack the idea of restoration and see God's heart in the word 'restore'. We desperately need to know that Father God is so much more about restoration than punishment. The… …
Godly women – mighty warriors of the Lord 2017-05-11 - In the book of Judges chapter 4 we find Deborah was judge (and prophetess) over all of Israel (think in terms of her being a President or Prime Minister). Judges 4 tells the story of Deborah, Barak her General in… …
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Letting the Lord into your heart on the journey 2017-05-10 - Genesis 24:62 Now Isaac came from the way of Beer Lahai Roi, for he dwelt in the South. In hebrew בְּאֵר לַחַי רֹאִי Bĕ'er la-Chay Ro'iy is the "well of the Living One seeing me" so let's break down the words and understand… …
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- Eagle vision 2017-05-10 - I saw an Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle (zoological name: Aquila audax - which is latin for Bold Eagle) in a vision while worshipping at Field of Dreams church last night (Tue 2017-05-09). First, the vision was that of an Wedge-tailed Eagle… …
- A word for the Prophets (Targeted Influence) 2017-04-11 - Introduction Over the past week since Thursday 2017-04-06 there has been a significant word coming which I believe to be for the prophets in Australia. It has three aspects and pictures to it which I share below. I pray this… …
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- Prophetic Vision 2/4/2017 – From: Cherie Love 2017-04-03 - Prophetic Vision 2/4/2017 - From: Cherie Love [published with permission] Cherie is a friend who has a significant prophetic gifting. This was first posted to KFCA and Cherie has given permission to share it publicly. _____ I sense that there… …
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- Word for the nation of Australia 2017-03-30 - Joel 3:18 And it will come to pass in that day that the mountains shall drip with new wine, the hills shall flow with milk, And all the brooks of Judah shall be flooded with water; a fountain shall flow… …
- The new and better covenant – what does it mean? 2017-03-29 - Why is the new covenant so important to us? First, lets see what it means to have a new covenant. Jeremiah 31:31 - "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the… …
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- A time for healing 2017-03-25 - A healing word This word has been stirring in my spirit for some time and this is a summary of what I have sensed in the Spirit. The Lord has been saying it is time for us (His Church) to… …
- Ezra, return from captivity, restoration, and rebuilding. Heart journey 2017-03-24 - The book of Ezra is a story of return from captivity, a story of restoration, and a story of rebuilding of the temple (rebuilding worship). It is also a story of repentance, weeping, and giving burnt offerings showing contrition and… …
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- Heart matters – more than Wisdom – a prophetic insight into a Godly leader’s heart 2017-03-23 - King Solomon did NOT ask for wisdom... He actually asked for an understanding heart to rule his people!! 1 Kings 3:9 Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and… …
Hebrew Roots Movement vs Replacement Theology – where is the truth? 2017-03-22 - Can I still eat bacon, BBQ pork ribs, prawns and lobster? 🙂 Here are some thoughts I've pulled together from the word and various sources. Most of you know that Replacement Theology claims the Church has replaced Israel in God’s… …
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- Don’t give up! 2017-03-13 - Don't give up! I know my redeemer lives! Don't give up! Christ in you, the hope of glory! Don't give up! Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according… …
- Overcoming negative ‘D’ words 2017-02-12 - Negative 'D' words: Disappointment, death, destruction, disunity, discombobulation (confusion), distress, doubt, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, discontent. This is what I sense from the Lord about these words... First, at a personal level; many believers have been suffering the effects of 'D' words,… …
- V’ahavtah Yisroel (Love Israel) 2017-01-16 - A blessing prayer for Israel - V'ahavtah Yisroel (Love Israel) refer: The Awesome Power of Blessing and in the context of the Paris conference 2017-01-15 Papa God thank you that we can come to You and present these requests! We… …
- A word for the year 2017 2017-01-02 - Audio mp3 download I shared this Sunday 1/1/2017 at Life Church at the 10am service. A good friend gave me the single word "Victory" just before Christmas [thanks Richard Brunton]. This really resonated but also raised a big question of:… …