Notre Dame Fire – Another understanding

So this morning we wake and find the famous Notre Dame cathedral burning and much speculation about why it happened and who might be responsible especially in terms of the wave of Islamic attacks on Church buildings in France and other nations.

I felt the Lord speak to me this morning with a completely different perspective in that the fire is a prophetic sign to The Church (His Body). Continue reading “Notre Dame Fire – Another understanding”

We need Fathers in the Church, not just instructors or mentors

1 Corinthians 4:15 For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

Paul says something that is more true today than ever, we have many instructors (or mentors #1) but not many true Fathers (and Mothers) in the Church family. Continue reading “We need Fathers in the Church, not just instructors or mentors”

Finding your purpose, your calling, your scroll


Many Christians are trying to find the calling  and purpose for their lives in God. We will have  a look at the idea of the Lord’s scroll for our lives, i.e. His plans for us and how this can be seen in ancient Hebrew symbology.  We will look at the scroll or plan for our lives.

Psalm 40:7 Then I said, “Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written of me.”

and is quoted in Hebrews 10:7. Continue reading “Finding your purpose, your calling, your scroll”

Prophetic word on elections Israel and Australia (April/May 2019)

Kidron Valley from Mount of Olivesa

This is the word I received for Australia and the Church here in this land in this turbulent season.  (The photo above is from Mount of Olives looking across Kidron Valley)

  • How Australia prays and intercedes for the Israeli elections (9th April) will affect our election in May (Maybe 18th)
  • There is a spiritual linkage which is the Anzac spirit and the liberation of the Holy Land in WWI also Tobruk etc WWII
  • Australia has supported Israel consistently since 1947 (the original UN vote etc.)
  • Now is decision as to whether we Aussies are sheep or goats

Continue reading “Prophetic word on elections Israel and Australia (April/May 2019)”

2019 – A year of conflict, yet great overcoming

The sense I have for the next year is that many things will appear to get worse, especially in national and governmental realms. Christians in the west will end up in gaol for the faith, an idea unheard of until recently. As believers stand for their faith, preaching Christ and the word boldly.

The political landscape will appear to be a moral and ethical bloodbath as people generally keep heading away from God and his righteousness.  Sounds terrible doesn’t it?  Yet in this we (the Church) will rise up glorious as the Lord brings His life and salvation to anyone who will listen.  Continue reading “2019 – A year of conflict, yet great overcoming”

Releasing the Aaronic Blessing – Part 2

At last we get to part 2 (it has been a while) of releasing the Lord’s blessing and we will unpack the next verse. ‘The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you’ (Numbers 6:25).  Refer to Releasing the Aaronic Blessing – part 1 for verse 24.

Here is the mechanical translation of verse 25.

He~will~make~LIGHT(Verb) (יָאֵר / ya’eyr) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH) FACE~s~him (פָּנָיו / pa’naw) TO~you(ms) (אֵלֶיךָ / ey’ley’kha) and~he~will~PROVIDE.PROTECTION(Verb)~you(ms) (וִיחֻנֶּךָּ / wi’hhu’ne’ka)

YHWH will make his face shine toward you and he will provide you with protection.

The Hebrew word for face is paniym ( פָּנִים ). The word paniym appears several times in the Old Testament in combination with God or the Lord. In most cases, the face of the Lord is a reference to God’s presence. For instance, when Moses asked God to assure him that he, God, would go with the people to the land of Canaan, God told Moses: ‘My face shall go before thee’ (Exodus 33:14 DRA). Most modern translations use the word ‘presence’ to translate the Hebrew word for face, but face is so much more than just His presence. Continue reading “Releasing the Aaronic Blessing – Part 2”

My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts

Isaiah 55:1-13 is an incredible passage of scripture.

God reveals a powerful truth in Isaiah 55:8-9.  First, that his thoughts and ways are very different to ours.   Secondly that his thoughts and ways are higher than ours.

How does this work?
We find the answer in all the previous verses of the chapter.  In all that God has promised in free forgiveness and grace, and what he has offered in blessing and love, which is all far beyond our human understanding and experience. Continue reading “My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts”

The Lord’s Army

This morning I had a very vivid vision:

I saw a long line of people standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder, dressed in white but also wearing armour, each holding a large sword.
I then saw the faces and I recognised many of these people being members of our home group, local congregations, and others from the prayer houses etc.
Each looked strong and carried a look of love and joy, faces shining with God’s glory. Continue reading “The Lord’s Army”

Christians and Politics – a discussion about God’s Kingdom

I was recently asked about Christians, conservatism and politics.  So I wrote a few thoughts about where I see Christians fit with the current world political systems.

This article takes a different look at politics, neither left nor right, authoritarian nor libertarian, but brings a Gospel Kingdom perspective.

For those who don’t have a deeper understanding of politics I pray this article will help you better understand God’s Kingdom and our role as Christians in politics.

Continue reading “Christians and Politics – a discussion about God’s Kingdom”